Dynabody Total Fitness Training is fun and challenging.  We focus on all areas of fitness - no matter what your fitness level!  Dynabody classes - either done at home or in-class, will improve your strength, stamina, coordination and energy levels.  The key is on functional exercises, strength training and metabolic cross-training - which is the best for conditioning the body, burning fat and improving your heart health.   Innovative activities that incorporate calisthenics, resistance training, abdominal and core body exercises.  With the emphasis on proper technique and coaching - there is no better way to refresh your body, restore your energy and beat stress.

At Home Workouts:
Do your workout along with me or on your own, Anytime and Anywhere.
Join in on a real-time virtual group fitness class.
Schedule a one on one coaching session.
Connect to your smartphone on the ABC Trainerize App.
Start your journey to the new YOU with Dynabody Fitness & Health.
Use it NOT Lose It!

Group Fitness Classes:  Here’s a hint of what is included;
Dumbbells, Kettlebells, TRX Suspension Training,  Bodyweight and Resistance band exercises;   Obstacle Courses; Sledgehammer drills; Bosu Balance training; MMA/Boxing workouts; Battling Ropes, Individual, Partner, and Team challenges.
And don't forget the DTF Metabolic "Finishers"!!!!

Enjoy the camaraderie and the fun!


Tuesdays:  Jan. 7 - March 18, 2025
&               Apr. 8 - June 10, 2025
 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:   Bannatyne School,
363 Thompson Drive,
St. James Assiniboia, Winnipeg, MB

Thursdays: Jan. 9 - March 20, 2025
&                 Apr. 10 - June 12, 2025
 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:   Strathmillan School,
339 Strathmillan Road,
St. James Assiniboia, Winnipeg MB

All classes run during the school season.

Not sure if it's right for you?

Come out for a  "no obligation" free class - You'll be hooked!
email: for more info

Group  & Personal Classes  online:
6, 8, 10, & 12 week 
Fitness programs available

***Join Dynabody and stay connected with the ABC Trainerize Mobile App - anytime anywhere!!

Access the Dynabody Trainerize App and get planned workouts, exercises and coaching directly on your smartphone anytime, anywhere!


Various Times and formats
Join in on the Fun!
Special Events Available
Group Sessions
One-time event or special group/team sessions available.
Location: Almost anywhere!

Summer Evenings & Weekends
Adult and Kid's Fitness Camps & Activities
 (Time based on demand)
Saturday and/or Sunday   (Drop-in fee: $15.00)

Please check website for updates or email me at or phone: 204-771-0061

  - A towel or exercise mat to use during warm-up, stretching, abdominal exercises & cooldown.
  - A water bottle (hydration is crucial)
  - Work out attire – all weather type (comfortable  
     and breathable)
  - Positive Fun Attitude!  :0)

The goals of  Total Fitness training are;

  - proper form and technique
  - improved cardio/aerobic conditioning
  - improved coordination & timing
  - practical and useful
  - emphasis on functional exercises
    (multi-joint, multi-muscle)
  - ultimate in fitness conditioning
  - and it's FUN!

 Dynabody Fitness & Health Summer Class/Bootcamp Policy

 1. We reserve the right to cancel a session (usually when fewer than 4-6 people are signed up for a class).   In this case anyone who has paid will receive a full refund.

2. Classes will be postponed if rain.   Safety first is of prime importance.

3. You must sign the waiver and PAR-Q   (physical activity readiness questionnaire) forms.

4. Full payment is required prior to starting the session.

5. There is no refund once payment has been processed.   However, a class credit may be given for valid reasons (medical or emergency matters) with proper notice.

6. all returned cheques incur a $30 fee.

7. You will not be reimbursed for any missed classes.   However, a class credit may be given for valid reasons (medical or emergency matters) with proper notice.

8. 10% Discount for referrals.  (Other promotions available)

9. The Buddy Special - Free class if they bring a friend who signs up (newbies only).

10. A 20% Discount to all participants for a personal training session.

11. You need to make every effort to be on time for each class.

12. Because certain sessions require team participation, if you cannot make the class a phone call is appreciated.

13.   Continuing Education and Leisure guide classes are excluded and are handled under the related policies set by the School Division or City of Winnipeg.

14. A positive attitude is a requirement.   Improve yourself, Increase your energy, and have fun!

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