Thursday, January 30, 2014

DTF Holiday Fitness Challenge Winner

The Holiday Fitness Challenge is over it’s the time to announce the winner.

The person that came out on top this year was Ione R. 

It looks like her new Easy Glider machine made the difference. And yes, she did win it two years ago. Congratulations Ione!

All the Dynabods are winners in my books! 

I hope that everyone that participated in the six week challenge continue to keeping some type of training diary and remember to read and reevaluate your goals regularly.  Daily reflection turns dreams into reality!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

DTF CLASSES START JAN.21 & 23rd 2014

Yes it’s that time to work on the number one New Years Resolution. We have lots of space available! It’s already near the end of January and it seems that people have already fallen off the wagon.  Even on vacation when I went to “relax” the days I felt the best was after a workout.  Stop coming up with excuses!

January DTF classes run from  6:30 to 8:00 pm and cost is $79 each
Register online at:

Remember, if you book for one session and can’t make it you can always make it up.
Sign up and win a personal training session!  A $50 value!
Refer a friend/relative (new dynabod) and get a free t-shirt!


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Congratulations to my sister, Candace, and my new brother-in-law, Jay, on their wedding this past week in the Dominican Republic.  A great time had by all in Punta Canada!

And yes - I did fit in a couple of workouts - I felt so much better after ;0)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Congrats to Fitness Challenge Winners - New workouts available!

Congratulations to Joanne and Ione - two of the Fitness Challenge winners.
More winners to come!

Interested in a new workout?

Try the Fitness Challenge Bodyweight workout #2 or the "Go Animal" Workout.
Both available on pdf.  Just send me an email for a copy!