Friday, August 30, 2024

One Small Step into something new

It’s been a while since I’ve sent added to the blog.  I hope your summer has been great. I can’t believe we are already at the Labor Day Long Weekend!  Have you tried something new this summer?  I started learning the Harmonica.  Although I am nowhere near to jamming Whammer Jammer on stage like Magic Dick could but, hey, I’ve enjoyed the process.

Like anything in life it may be uncomfortable to make a change and get out of your comfort zone. But life is a journey and you need to keep moving forward.  As stated by one of my fitness and martial arts heroes - Bruce Lee, “Be Water My Friend.  Keep moving, like water,  not stagnant, you must flow to grow…”

So, if you feel stagnant, unmotivated, lost, or doubt your own ability to change, start by taking one small step into something new - in a positive way..

  • Incorporate movement into your daily routine.

  • Try to do 10 pushups or go for a 10 minute run if you want to get into better shape

  • Engage in meditation and self-reflection, adopting a growth mindset.

  • Challenge yourself to refrain from processed food and alcohol for a week.

  • Expand your social network - join a club, take up painting, pickleball - you name it.

Making positive changes is possible.  Realize that YOU deserve a wonderful life - but only YOU can make it happen.

If you want to improve your strength, stamina, coordination and energy levels join a Dynabody Fitness class! We start October 1st and October 3rd. With the emphasis on proper technique and coaching - there is no better way to refresh your body, restore your energy and beat stress.

Join the Fall Fitness Classes;

10 Tuesdays:  October 1 - December 3,2024   Location:   Bannatyne School, 

10 Thursdays: October 3 - December 5, 2024   Location:   Strathmillan School,

Classes run 6:30 - 7:30 pm

To Register, phone the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Continuing Education office 204-832-9637, or,  email me for further information.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Chance of Dying in a Fall!

 Did you know that if a woman who is 65 years of age has a fall and breaks her hip, there is a 29% chance she will die within the first year - and that is if they get surgery.  If they do not get surgery the chance of dying is 79%!  And, if she does survive, the rest of her life is subject to chronic disability.

This is some shocking findings I learned from listening to a Mel Robbins podcast about the latest research about menopause with Dr. Mary Claire Haver.   

(Here’s a link to the podcast

This is why exercise is so important.  As Dr. Haver explained, we all need to move our bodies. 

You MUST do resistance (weight) training. 

For women, muscle is more important than being skinny.  This is no different for men.  And you are Never 2 Old to start!

Build strength, improve balance and coordination.  

There’s still time to register for the Spring Fitness Classes.  

10 Tuesdays:  April 9 - June 11,2024   Location:   Bannatyne School, 

10 Thursdays: April 18 - June 20, 2024   Location:   Strathmillan School,

Classes run 6:30 - 7:30 pm

To Register, phone the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Continuing Education office 204-832-9637, or, simply email me.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Fitness Classes start - Tuesday April 9th and Thursday April 18th!

 Don't forget to sign up for Dynabody Fitness Classes - they start next week!

Tuesday - Bannatyne School - April 9th.
NOTE however that Thursday's classes at Strathmillan School will not start until the following week on April 18th. 

Classes run 6:30 - 7:30 pm

To Register, contact Wanda or Signy at the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Continuing Education office 204-832-9637.

And hey, about science.  It's a proven fact that strength training and maintaining muscle is a precursor to longevity.

So let's have the best quality of life we can!

See you in class!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Muscle Soreness - combat Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

 Having sore muscles after a good work out session is a common experience. This is known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and can happen anywhere from 24 to 72 hours after engaging in intense or unfamiliar exercises. DOMS is a result of micro trauma to the muscle fibers and leads to an inflammatory response causing muscle discomfort.

There's a couple ways to help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness. 

  • Dynamic stretching before exercising and doing static stretching during cool down helps to reduce soreness and improve recovery time. 

  • Foam rolling and massage therapy are two other ways to help increase blood flow into the muscles and reduce tension.

  • Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E help to mitigate the inflammatory response associated with DOMS. Although caution with over supplementing in vitamin E as it can be toxic.

So if you want to reduce muscle soreness after a great workout and enhance your recovery, try to incorporate some of these strategies.  And keep using it!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Benefits of a Cold Shower

 Some of you may know that I’m a big fan of the Wim Hof Method and part of my regular morning routine is starting the day off with a cold shower. There are a number of benefits besides the rush of “waking you up” in the morning with that dopamine kick.

  • Cold showers improve your metabolism.   Getting your mitochondria to burn extra fuel to produce energy and keep you warm helps your body become more efficient.

  • Cold showers are a healthy way to burn fat and lose weight.

  • Cold showers help to convert white flabby fat cells to brown fat (Brown Adipose Tissue) which translate to higher insulin sensitivity for clearing glucose into your bloodstream.

  • Cold showers help with blood circulation..

  • Cold showers help improve your immune system by keeping inflammation in check.

  • Cold showers help reduce stress.

Taking a cold shower is best done in the morning to help get you energized.  Start out with your normal shower and then turn the tap to cold for around a minute.  Make sure you’ve checked with your health professional first before you try it.  Once you start doing this morning ritual you’ll wonder why you didn’t start doing it sooner.  It feels great!

To learn more about Cold Showers and the Wim Hof methods, check out the following link; -showers

Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Tragically Hip

 Today we are sitting so much that our mobility is suffering dramatically.  Most people have lost their capacity to effectively put their leg behind their body.  As we move, be it walk, run, or even going down stairs,  we need good hip extension, that is,  to be able to move the knee behind the butt.  

Hip extension uses one of your strongest muscles - hip extensors, which helps stabilize your pelvis and is important for daily movement, exercise and sport activities.  Loss of glute function has an effect on control of our back and can create low back pain or knee pain.

Here’s a simple drill to check your hip mobility to see if it needs improvement;

With arms over head, step forward in a Deep Lunge.  Your front leg should be at a 90 degree angle with the knee in line with the ankle.  Your back foot should be far enough back that your knee should be behind your butt.  Squeeze your butt to activate the glutes.  Your arms help to keep your back more upright.  You can place your knee on the ground or slightly above if you can handle it.  Hold that stretch for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

This exercise not only helps you understand your body alignment but it is a great stretch for your gluteal muscles - as it helps reduce tension, tightness and prevents injury.

It’s important to realize that movement is key to longevity and quality of life.  Working your hip extensors helps improve movement, coordination and a sense of body awareness.  Something that I incorporate in all of my fitness workouts.