Saturday, September 23, 2023

Resistance Training - halting the diabetes epidemic

There’s a diabetes epidemic underway, with an estimated prevalence of 10% of adults diagnosed and another 5% for those undiagnosed.  Of that nearly half are in the 40-59 age group, and this is expected to double in 20 years!  In addition, Diabetes can reduce lifespan by five to 15 years!

It’s not all gloom and doom though. 

Did you know that muscle mass and strength have a tremendous protective effect against diabetes? One study showed a whopping 32% lower risk of type 2 diabetes!

Resistance Training or Strength Training is the one activity that has been scientifically proven to improve not just your lifespan but healthspan or quality of life.  And no matter what age or condition you are in, you can benefit.

Now the great news - my Resistance Training / Group Fitness Classes are scheduled for this October. Sponsored by the St. James Assiniboia Continuing Education, the 10 week classes are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 6:30pm to 7:30 pm.

If you are interested in participating in the in-person classes, or starting any resistance training program please send me an email.  I'd love to hear from you!

Reference:  Diabetes in Canada: