Sunday, June 2, 2013


Did you know that sitting 6+ hours per day makes you 40% likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than 3?  Even if you exercise?  If you sit a lot, interrupt your sitting time whenever you can.  Your body was meant to move – so it’s time to get outside and be active!!!!

The Spring Fitness Classes at Bannatynne School and Strathmillan School are done until the fall (October 8th & 10th).  I’ve seen some great progress by all of the participants.  Great job everyone!  


Dynabody Total Fitness Summer Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings 

6:30 – 7:30 pm.
starting June 18th and June 20th and runs through September!

 A positive mental attitude + positive environment + positive support system = RESULTS 
Get those results with DTF - the ultimate in summer fitness.   

I realize summer is a busy time.  Even if you are unsure if you can make it to every class this summer, we are up & running all summer - from June to the end of September!
This 1 hour session is fun and a great challenge for all!  Along with the meat & potatoes - strength training, we will be incorporating TRX Suspension training for core and muscular endurance.  Then ignite your metabolism with Dynabody Finishers – some High Intensity Finales before cooling down after a great workout session.

Email me at

And don't forget - visit the St. James School Division Continuing Education website and sign up for the fall classes starting October 8th and 10th, 2013!

Tuesday: Bannatyne School  Thursday: Strathmillan School             6:30 to 8:00 pm