Friday, September 8, 2017


Hi All!  Yes, I am still alive and kicking!
I had a lot of things going on during my summer season, moving, vacation, etc….all good!  Now that School has started,  the leaves are changing color and Summer is on it’s way out it’s time to get back into a routine. -Dynabody Fitness Classes start soon!  October 3rd and 5th is fast approaching.

There is just one word that will bring success to anything you do.  Take a guess….



You need to be Aware of what you are doing…. and I’m not just talking about slowing down at school zones. 

If you are over-training you should be AWARE.  Your body will tell you.  You will seem more tired, can’t perform as well as you have in the past, etc.  Many people that over train are addicted and feel guilty if they miss out on a workout.  Even highly trained athletes need time to recover.

Does your workouts bring progressive results?  Are you just doing the same thing that you’ve always been doing?  You must be AWARE of your progress, your goals.  Hey, if you are happy with your body and current fitness level then all you need to do is maintain it.  If not you have to realize that more action is required.

When you exercise do you focus on what you are doing?  Or do you just go through the motions.  If you are too busy talking during your workout you aren’t exercising hard enough.  Save the chatter until after class, or at least bring it to a minimum between sets.

Here is some other life examples relating to AWARENESS;

Driving.  Sure speed kills but it’s not the real culprit in most accidents.  I do have a beef about the government’s campaign against speed.  The main factor here is lack of awareness.  I sure am glad that they are targeting texting while driving – heck, it better include cyclists!.  Be AWARE of your surroundings, the conditions and the idiot in front of you. Stay off your cell phone.  You can’t see what’s in front of you if you have your head down while you’re texting. You should be able to react in time when that car barrels through the stop sign at the intersection ahead.

How many people have you seen cross the street without looking?  Pedestrian vs Auto – the latter wins all the time.

I help teach self-defense.  AWARENESS is a key factor in keeping yourself Alive and out of trouble.  A predator looks for an easy target.  They rely on the element of surprise.  Many people look at the ground while walking.  Even more are too busy looking at their smartphones than noticing what’s around them.

Are you engaged in your work?  School work?  Being AWAREe of what you have to do and planning for the task(s) in hand results in success.  Successful people have goals and are AWARE of what they need to do to get there. 


To get results you must be AWARE.  Know where you are and what you need to do to accomplish your goals.  Visualize what you are trying to achieve. 

Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes!   If you are 50 you will look and feel like your 55!  So much for the 50 is the new 40….. Your body is not a clock.  People are  tired and overweight not because they are old it’s because they think and move like an old person. 

Everything in the universe either grows or dies.  You must continue to grow  - and NOT in fat….  Stay focused  -  it’s your mental attitude and a healthy lifestyle that will get you there.

You really must be AWARE!


10 Tuesdays starting Oct. 3rd, 2017
Class Code:  FFT9-17
 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:   Banatynne School,
363 Thompson Drive,
St. James Assiniboia, Winnipeg, MB
$85.00 for 10 classes DYNABODY

10 Thursdays starting Oct.5th, 2017 
Class Code:  FFT10-17
 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:   Strathmillan School,
339 Strathmillan Road,
St. James Assiniboia, Winnipeg MB : DYNABODY

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